
Thou Shalt Test Yourself

The 10 Commandments of IT Security
IT Security Commandment #8: Thou Shalt Test Yourself

There is a famous Peter Drucker quote that is used frequently in business circles: “That which gets measured, gets managed.”

Drucker would appreciate our 8th Commandment of IT Security because this commandment is about testing yourself and testing your organization regularly to better understand your current IT security posture and identify potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities.

Cathy’s Corner – August 2023

As we enter the dog days of summer, I’m sitting on the patio behind our home enjoying the weather, the sounds of the birds, soft music on the outdoor speaker and just taking it all in. Sometimes you just need to kick and do nothing—often a hard thing for me to do.

Momentum NJ Magazine: 2023 | Issue 7

Shark Sighting! Shark Tank's Daymond John is featured in IT Radix's Momentum NJ magazine. Don't miss out on how his inspiring path to success can work for you as well. Also featured is a triumphant story of business achievement by IT Radix client and serial entrepreneur, Ashleigh Palmer, who details why a robust IT infrastructure is mission critical for your organization.

Cathy’s Corner – July 2023

Like many, I’m looking forward to some summer travels and spending some time on the beach. The first week of July is National Beaches Week. I’m not a fan of sand, but it’s a perfect time to remember the sounds of waves rushing in and out. And while I may not be feeling the sea breezes firsthand, the mere thought of it brings me a sense of calm and relaxation for a few minutes.