Why You Need Email Encryption

Would you be upset if someone unintended read your mail?  What if the letter contained sensitive information?  Now consider email.  If you’re like many people these days, you send and receive literally hundreds of emails a week.

While we recognize that not all email is sensitive, there are times where you want to ensure the content of a message is kept confidential.

IT Wellness — Prevent the Spread of Viruses

We all know enough to follow good hygiene and general wellness practices to avoid spreading germs…  washing our hands, coughing into our elbow, and keeping our hands away from our eyes and mouth.  Most of us working parents remember the first time dropping off our child at day care and cringing when the first thing our child did was put a toy in their mouth.

9 Things to do to Your Computer Network During the Quiet Month of January

The greeting cards have all been sent, the holiday rush is through, but IT Radix still has a wish to make and it is a special one for YOU! That wish is that you take advantage of the quiet moments in early January and do some things NOW to ensure that your computer network is ready for all that 2017 will bring.

The Truth About Email Archiving Systems

HOST:  Hello again everyone and welcome to To Tell the Truth!  Today we have three contestants each who is prepared to tell us the key reason why organizations today should have a system for archiving email!  Contestant #1…

CONTESTANT #1:  I have a law degree and I can tell you that clearly the most important reason to archive email today is for the purposes of Regulatory Compliance.

Walkabout to Talk About Technology

We may not hail from down under (Australia), but our techs are going “walkabout.” Have you ever wanted some advice on how to use the software that you and your staff use every day better or more effectively? If you’re like most people you are using a fraction of your software’s benefits and features.