What Others Can See

Nothing on the internet is private. Communications, pictures, videos—they’re all susceptible to prying eyes and have the potential to be misused. Here are the biggest privacy threats you face online today:

Webcam Access – While it’s rare, there are known exploits that allow others to access your webcam (such as malicious software or software security flaws). Putting a Post-it note over your webcam isn’t a bad idea.

Make THIS password different from everything else

Quick Tip: Make your email password different than all others.

Why: You know you’re guilty of it: using the same password for everything. Believe me, I understand how annoying it is to try and remember all those passwords. If you’re using the same password for sites that don’t share sensitive information, like a login to a news feed you like to read, then it’s generally okay.

A Healthy Network for a Happier Business

Your business’ IT environment is a lot like the body’s skeletal system. It’s the conductor that orchestrates the flow of your day-to-day operations, allowing you to provide valuable services to your clientele. When your IT skeleton, or foundation, is strong and healthy, it supports all of the processes you rely on and you don’t even realize it’s there.